Microsillons Records
Mezzo: Jeannine COLLARD, organ : Jean LANGLAIS, microsillon 33 tours Ducretet-Thomson 270-C-003, 1953
Historical first recorded version of Jean Langlais' Missa in Simplicitate, with Jeannine Collard, mezzo, and Jean Langlais accompanying her at the organ of Sainte-Clotilde before the restauration of 1962.
According to a critic published in the british magazine Gramophone, "Ducretet-Thomson have also a superb disc of modern church music for organ : Messiaen on one side, Langlais on the other. The latter is also the soloist, with mezzo-soprano Jeannine Collard. Bare and simple, the four works recorded are, in their way, often as majestic and fervent as Bach's best" (Igor Maslowski, Letter from France, Gramophone, august 1954, p.14)
"Missa in Simplicitate" (composed in 1952, recorded here for the first time in 1953, august 25 and 26th)
Kyrie - 3'23" , Gloria - 2'43", Credo - 3'15", Sanctus - 1'38", Benedictus - 1'20", Agnus Dei - 3'14"
Mass playing time : 15'33"
Editor : Ducretet-Thomson