My concert tour of the United States 1956
During his third concert tour of the United States, in 1956, Jean Langlais wrote a journal which allows to follow his trip across America. For the celebration of the centenary of his birth, in february 1907, The American Organist publishes in his february issue some excerpts of this journal which, apart focusing on the design of the instruments the composer played, their aesthetics and his own taste in organs, includes personal, humorous comments on his perception of his surroundings.
Organists'Review, february 2007
Folklore in the Music of Jean Langlais
by Kathleen THOMERSON
Jean Langlais, since he was born in Brittany, a land rich in imaginary tales, was very attracted to folk song of his native place. This melodic source appears in many oh his compositions, for piano, strings, brasses and organ. Kathleen Thomerson, a former pupil and biograph of Jean Langlais, explores the Langlais repertoire based on folklore, mainly from Brittany.
Organists'Review, february 2007
Learning with Langlais
by Colin WALSH
Colin Walsh spent three years in Paris studying the organ with Jean Langlais. He has travelled the world giving organ recitals, specialising in French music. He has recorded music by Langlais. At present organist laureate at Lincoln Cathedral, he remembers Jean Langlais and his teaching.
Organists' Review, february 2007
Jean Langlais : The Man in his Music
by Marjorie BRUCE
Marjorie Bruce was a pupil of Jean Langlais in Paris between 1972 and 1974. She was also a pupil in his class at the Schola Cantorum. She acted as his guide on several foreign tours and remained in close touch with him until his death on 8 May 1991.
She disserts on two of his most important works, the First symphony (1941-1943) and thirty years after, the 5 Meditations on the Apocalypse.
Marjorie BRUCE
Seeking clarity
by Marjorie BRUCE
Marjorie Bruce studied organ with Jean Langlais at the Schola Cantorum between 1972 and 1974 and subsequently acted as his guide on foreign tours.
On the centenary of his birthday she recounts her experiences of the composer, performer and teacher.
Jean Langlais (1907-1991) and the generation of
the "Thirties" in France.
by Marie-Louise LANGLAIS
Aricle published in flemish in the magazine "Orgelkunst" published in Belgium, to celebrate Jean Langlais birthday centenary.
Marie-Louise Langlais, in this article titled "Jean Langlais and the generation of the "Thirties" in France" explains the situation of Langlais in this school of french organists, represented among others by his friends Olivier Messiaen, Jehan Alain and Maurice Duruflé.
She shows how different they are but also how they belongs to the same french school of modality, rythm and colours.
Musik und Gottesdienst, heft 4, Juli 2007
Jean Langlais (1907-1991). Licht und Schatten
by Emanuele Jannibelli
The Swiss magazine "Musik und Gottesdienst", representing the swiss german reformed church music, publishes a long (13 pages) article on Jean Langlais for the centenary of his birth, based on the book "Ombre et Lumière" written in 1994 by Marie-Louise Langlais ( published by the Editions Combre, Paris) with a retrospective of Jean Langlais works, life and career and numerous pictures taken all along his life.
National Institute for the Blind, Paris
by l'Institution Nationale des Jeunes Aveugles de Paris
Thursday december 6, at 6pm, the National Institute for the Blind dedicated a new plaque for Jean LANGLAIS, at the occasion of the centenary, placed in Jean Langlais former classroom, now called "Jean Langlais classroom". An official ceremony was organized by the Institution, in presence of its Director and Public Relation (Mrs SABOTIER and MOULFI), of Jacqueline ENGLERT-MARCHAL, daughter of André MARCHAL, and members of Jean Langlais family : his widow, Marie-Louise, and his daughters, Jeanine and Caroline.
A concert given by blind teachers and pupils followed this ceremony.
by Emanuele JANNIBELLI
by Emanuele JANNIBELLI
ORGAN- journal dür die orgel. 4/07
Jean Langlais - Souvenirs I :"Raum-zeitliche Transzendenzen"
by Stefan KAGL
Remembrances on Jean LANGLAIS by Stefan KAGL, one of the last disciples of Jean LANGLAIS, now organist of the dom in Hereford, germany.
-in german-
ORGAN- journal für die orgel. 4/07
Jean LANGLAIS - Souvenirs II : "Demust ist Wahreit"'
by Daniel MAURER
Daniel MAURER has been a longtime disciple of Jean LANGLAIS, since the 70s. Organist of Mulhouse protestant church St Jean, he is also titulaire of the Silbermann organ in Strasbourg St Thomas and teaches as well organ and improvisation at the Strasbourg Conservatory. Knowing particularly well LANGLAIS music, he describes here composer portrait with a lot of personal anecdotes.
-in german-
ORGAN- journal für die orgel. 4/07
Jean Langlais - Souvenirs III : "Er gong ohne Abschied..."
Third chapter of remembrances on Jean LANGLAIS published by german organ magazine "ORGAN"(4/07), this article was written by Helga SCHAUERTE-MAUBOUET, who met Jean LANGLAIS in 1981 as she eneterd in the organ class of Marie-Claire Alain at the Rueil-Malmaison conservatory.
Since, she recorded Cds with LANGLAIS music, for organ solo and vocal music.
- in german -
ORGELFORUM n°4 - 2007
Jean LANGLAIS (1907-1991)
by Marcus TOREN
Swedish organ magazine ORGELFORUM publishes (N°4, 2007)a tribute to Jean LANGLAIS, written by Marcus TOREN, son of the wellknown organist Torvald TOREN, who recorded many french organ composers from the XXth century. Himself a first rank organist, Marcus TOREN is an active recitalist, and he recorded a Cd with music by Jean LANGLAIS
- in swedish -
GREGORIUSBLAD n°4 - 2007 -
De muziek van Jean Langlais in de liturgie
by Carel Cames van Batenburg
The Dutch organ magazine "Gregoriusblad" publishes, in its last 2007 issue, an article on Jean LANGLAIS liturgical music (together organ and vocal), signed by Carel Cames van Batenburg who selects a list of works particularly adapted to dutch liturgy, with some musical examples (Imploration pour la Croyance, organ, Messe d'Escalquens and Trois Antiennes à la Sainte Vierge, vocal).
- in dutch -