Founded in December 2005, by its current Association president, Brenda Dean, the “Association des Amis de Jean Langlais” is located at La Fontenelle town hall in Brittany, the city of the composer's birth.
Its purpose is to preserve the legacy of Jean Langlais and spread his works throughout his native village, France and abroad.
The Association organizes an annual festival and has its main concerts during the month of August. One of the highlights of this season will be a performance at the Cathedral of Dol-de-Bretagne on August 15 of Jean Langlais' monumental Missa Salve Regina, which will be recorded live by Radio France for broadcast on the France Culture channel.
You are most welcome to join this Association and become a member; you simply have to submit the inscription form which follows.
The following special page will keep you up to date on the activities of the Association.
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