Scores - Vocal music




7 mélodies for soprano and piano on poems by Jacques Prévert

In French

reproduced from the manuscripts by Richard Powell

Pdf sent for free on demand to ml.langlais@wanadooà.fr

1. Déjeuner du matin...2'23

2. Pour toi mon amour.... 1'37

3. Le jardin.......1'37

4. Paris at night.....0'40

5. Quartier libre.....0'48

6. Conversation....2'09

Les belles familles.... 1'08

Duration : about 9'30

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


"My heart's in the Highlands"

Song for voice and piano on a poem by Robert Burns (1758-1796)

Jean Langlais' first song for one voice and piano in English composed in 1951, this work is based on a poem by the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796) recalling his nostalgia of Scotland. Jean Langlais gave its premiere in Paris, in 1951 with the dedicatee, the American soprano Janet Hayes.

Reproduction: Richard Powell, in 2023. PDF (5 pages) sent for free by mail on demand to

Duration: 3 mn.

in English.

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)

All scores


"Tantum ergo" for 3 mixed voices (STB or SAB) and or without organ

in Latin

This vocal piece for 3 voices (STB or SAB) with or without accompaniment has been the first one ever composed by Jean Langlais, in 1930, the composer being then 23 years old.

The pdf of this 2 pages motet, in Latin, now permanently out of print, can be sent by mail, for free, on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Deux Chansons de Clément Marot, for SATB a capella

I.Je suis aymé de la plus belle - 2.Aux damoyselles paresseuses d'escrire à leurs amys

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Cinq Motets, 2 equal voices and organ

Ave mundi Gloria - O Salutaris hostia - Tantum Ergo - O Bone Jesu - Chant litanique

Playing time : ca. 9 min.

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Hymn "La Voix du Vent", op.11, for orchestra, SATB choir and Soprano solo

Reduction for choir, Soprano solo and piano 4 hands, by Richard Powell in 2017. First publication.

"La Voix du Vent", op.11, Hymn for mixed choir, Soprano Solo and Orchestra, was composed by Jean Langlais in 1934, remaining unpublished until 2017. Richard Powell has made a pdf of the orchestral version and also a pdf of a reduction for Piano 4 hands, Choir and Soprano Solo. The 2 complete versions (orchestra and piano 4 hands) can be sent at no charge by demand to Marie-Louise Langlais (

Duration : 7mn 45

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


"Une dentelle s'abolit..."

Song for soprano and piano.

First song for soprano and piano composed by Jean Langlais, in 1934, in 1934, whereas he was a pupil in the Paul Dukas'composition class at the Conservatoire de Paris.

Reproduction from the manuscript by Richard Powell in 2022.

PDF free on demand to ml.langlais@wanadoo.

in French.

Duration : ca 3 mn.

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Messe d'Escalquens for 2 equal voices and organ

Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei

Playing time : ca. 7 min.

Missa brevis (without Credo), in latin, this mass is the first one, composed by Jean Langlais in 1935, for the parish choir of the small village of Escalquens (Sout of France) where the composer used to live in summertime with his first wife family.

Written in a very simple style, it has been published only in 2007, at the occasion of Jean Langlais's birth centenary.

Duration : ca. 7 min.

Editions la flute de pan (Site web)



6 melodies for soprano and piano on poems by Pierre-Jean Jouve, in French, first publication

Composed in 1935 "to the memory of Paul Dukas", this cycle of 6 melodies, unpublished, is available (pdf, reproduction Richard Powell) for free, on demand, by mail to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)



Melody for soprano and piano, in French, first publication

This melody (5 pages, reproduction Richard Powell, 2014) available, for the first time, is one of the best by Jean Langlais, composed when he was 29 years old.

in French.

Sent for free, on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Psaume CXXIII "Je lève les yeux vers Toi" op.17, n°1, en français (Psalm "To You, my eyes are lifted up"), 1rst publication.

for and Tenor chanting, SATB and accompaniment (piano or organ) ad libitum.

This Psalm, composed in French in 1937, has been premiered on March 19, 1938, at the Société Nationale, by the choir "La Campanile" conducted by Joseph Noyon, the composer being at the piano.

Unpublished until 2020, it is now reproduced by Richard Powell. Another version for Soprano, Tenor and organ or piano without choir, is also available.

You can order for free the PDF of these two versions, by demand to

Duration: about 4mn.

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Psaume LVIII "Contre les juges iniques" in French, op.17 n°2.

for SATB with piano or organ, 1rst publication.

The Psaume LVIII is the second of two Psalms in French composed by Jean Langlais in 1937. Unpublished, it has been reproduced by Richard Powell in a Pdf sent for free on demand to ml.langlais

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


"Tantum ergo" for 8 mixed voices a capella (organ ad libitum)

in Latin

Playing time : 2 min.

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


"O Salutaris" for 2 equal voices (SA) and organ

First publication in 2007, at the occasion of Jean Langlais' centenary.

Editions Delatour (Site web)


"Oremus pro Pontifice", for 2 equal voices (TB) and organ

First edition in 2007, for the centenary

Editions Delatour (Site web)


"O Salutaris"

for Soprano and Organ, in Latin, first publication in 2007, at the occasion of Jean Langlais' centenary celebration.

This score is the Jean Langlais' transcription of one of his "Trois Motets" (O Salutaris, Salve Regina, Oremus pro Pontifice) for one voice, orchestra and bells, composed December 1943, unpublished.

4 pages, reproduction Richard Powell, 2015.

Pdf sent for free, on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


"Pie Jesu" for Soprano or Tenor and Organ

for Soprano or Tenor solo and organ, in Latin, first publication

2 pages, reproduction Richard Powell in 2020.

Pdf sent for free by mail, on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Deux Déplorations for 3 and 4 mixed voices

I. Libera me, Domine (STB and organ) - 2. Miserere Mei (SATB and organ)

Playing time : Libera me : ca. 3'30

Miserere Mei : duration : ca. 5 min.

(free listening on "Miserere mei" by Jean Langlais live by par le Choeur de chambre Nocturnal, conducted by Sylvie Colas, Jean-Baptiste Monnot, organ (

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)



7 mélodies for soprano and piano on poems by Jacques Prévert

In French

reproduced from the manuscripts by Richard Powell

Pdf sent for free on demand to ml.langlais@wanadooà.fr

1. Déjeuner du matin...2'23

2. Pour toi mon amour.... 1'37

3. Le jardin.......1'37

4. Paris at night.....0'40

5. Quartier libre.....0'48

6. Conversation....2'09

Les belles familles.... 1'08

Duration : about 9'30

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Caritas Christi for SATB and organ or orchestra

Orchestration by Murray Stewart

Orchestration : 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets in A, 2 bassoons, 2 horns in F, 2 trumpets in C, 2 trombones, tympanies, strings, organ

Playing time : ca. 6 min.

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


Légende de la Ville d'Ys for voice and piano published for the centenary of Jean Langlais' birth.

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


La Ville d'Is

Breton song, for soprano solo and 4 mixed voices, a capella

Published by "Ensemble Vocal Contrepoint" in 1947.

Listen on YouTube the video of this song by the "Ensemble Bergamasque" conducted by Marine Fribourg, on June 10, 2018.

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Cantate en l'honneur de Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort, 3 women voices, soprano solo and organ

First edition in 2007, for the centenary

Playing time : ca. 6 min.

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


"Je vous salue Marie" (in French) - "Ave Maria" (in Latin)

for 1 voice or unison choir and organ (in French) from Langlais' "Cantilène" (Suite brève for organ), first publication

The Pdf of this beautiful and simple prayer (2 pages, in French, or in Latin, reproduction Richard Powell), adapted from Jean Langlais's "Cantilène" (Suite Brève for organ), is available, for free, on demand to

Both versions (French and Latin) are available in 3 different tonalities, E minor, F# minor or G minor.

Beautiful interpretation of the Ave Maria on YouTube by the Cappella Civica de Trieste (Italy) conducted by Roberto Brisotto.


Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


"Passe-temps de l'homme et des oiseaux"

Melodies for soprano and piano, on poems by Jean Cayrol, in French

I. J'ai chanté (2'10)

2. A bas la feuille (1'20)

3. Oiseaux fatigués de m'entendre (1'30)

4. Il y a des hommes (2')

in French.

The PDF of this set (reproduction Richard Powell, 2022) can be sent for free on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Trois Prières (complete) for Medium Voice or unisson Choir with organ, harmonium or piano

1. Ave verum (in French) - 2.Ave Maris stella (in French) - 3. Tantum ergo (in French and in Latin)

Reprint IN ONE VOLUME of the "Trois Prières" for one voice or unison choir and organ by Leduc at the occasion of Jean Langlais' birth centenary; composed in 1949. Catalog reference is AL 27928

Playing time for all 3: ca. 6 mn. 2 mn each.

Editions la flute de pan (Site web)


Messe Solennelle, SATB and one or 2 organs (orchestra ad lib.)

Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei

Playing time : ca. 18-19 min.

Editions la flute de pan (Site web)


Messe Solennelle (orchestra), first publication.

Mixed choir (SATB) and orchestra (with or without organ)

First edition for the version for mixed choir (SATB) and orchestra of the "Messe Solennelle" composed by Jean Langlais in 1949. This score written by Jean Langlais immediately after the well known version for choir and 1 or 2 organs has never been published.

It has been done now, in 2015, and the "éditions de la Schola Cantorum" in Switzerland made a very precise work according to the original manuscript composed by Jean Langlais 66 years ago.

Marie-Louise Langlais made possible a version which includes the organ in the orchestra, giving the impression of a dialogue which exists in the original score for SATB choirs and 2 organs.

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


"My heart's in the Highlands"

Song for voice and piano on a poem by Robert Burns (1758-1796)

Jean Langlais' first song for one voice and piano in English composed in 1951, this work is based on a poem by the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796) recalling his nostalgia of Scotland. Jean Langlais gave its premiere in Paris, in 1951 with the dedicatee, the American soprano Janet Hayes.

Reproduction: Richard Powell, in 2023. PDF (5 pages) sent for free by mail on demand to

Duration: 3 mn.

in English.

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Mass in Ancient Style, SATB a capella or with organ

Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei

Duration : ca. 11 min.

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Missa in Simplicitate for one voice or unisson choir and organ

Kyrie- Gloria - Credo - Sanctus et Benedictus - Agnus Dei

Archiac, June 26, 1961

"Dear Father,

Sunday, I was listening to the mass sung on the radio by the Jeunes Aveugles as I looked after our two young daughters. During the Credo I was preparing some green beans with our eldest, who is three years old. She was doing as one expects at that age, snapping the beans rather badly. I was especially taken by the melody in the Credo at the “Et incarnatus est,” which I found very beautiful. At that moment I noticed that my daughter had stopped working. She sat quietly with her hands folded, seemingly in another world. My wife and I feel sure that the composer of this mass would be happy to hear this marvelous anecdote. There can be no doubt that it proves his music beautiful and sacred. Who will ever know to what extent a child’s soul can be close to God?

We would ask you then to communicate this little story to the composer.

Truth comes from the mouths of children, resulting in a compliment devoid of all flattery. I wish for him that his faith will inspire him to write more sacred music and that his soul will be as enlightened by it as was our child’s."

Letter sent to Jean Langlais, July 15, 1961

Jeannine Collard, mezzo soprano at the Paris Opera, who was the inspirer and the dedicatee of this work, died on March 23, 2016 in Paris. She was 93 years old.

Editions stretta books (Site web)


Missa Salve Regina for men choir (TB), unisson choir, 2 organs, 3 trumpets, 5 trombones

Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei

Playing time : ca. 18 min.

Composed for the Midnight Mass at Notre-dame de Paris, this Mass for 2 choirs (SATB-TTBB), 2 organs and brass has been recorded (ERATO) and this microsillon, out of print, which got the Grand Prix du Disque - Prix Madame René Coty in 1956, now transferred on mp3, can be obtained for free on demand to

Scores for choirs and organ (reduction), choirs only and conductor for choirs, organs and brass available on sale.

Duration: ca. 16 mn

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Trois Chansons populaires bretonnes, for 4 women voices a capella

1. Dessus les sables de la mer - 2.Lamentations - 3.Le lin

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


5 Mélodies for one voice and piano on poems by Ronsard and de Baillif

1. A Francine - 2. Je veux mourir - 3. Marie qui voudrait votre nom retourner - 4. Demandes-tu chère Marie - . Marie, levez-vous

Playing time : ca. 8 min.

(recorded in 1975 by Jeannine COLLARD, mezzo, and Jean LANGLAIS, piano, rcording included in the CD Jean LANGLAIS, Musqiue de chambre avec piano, SOLSTICE SOCD 180, 2001, see the list of recordings)

in French.

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Lauda Jerusalem Dominum, for SATB, unisson choir and organ

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


"Dieu, nous avons vu ta gloire"

Unisson choir and SATB choir and organ

Cantique en français sur des paroles de Didier Rimaud, published in 1972 by Philippo.

There is a translation in English (by Anthony Petti), "Lord, your glory in Christ we have seen" (New Catholic Hymnal, London, Farber, 1971)

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Venite et audite for SATB a capella

Motet en l'honneur de la Sainte Vierge

Playing time : ca. 1 min.50

Recording live on YouTube by the USC Thornton Chamber Singers, Micah Bland, conductor (02/23/2020)

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


Missa Misericordiae Domini, for 3 voices (STB or SAB) and organ

Kyrie - Gloria - Credo - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei

Playing time : ca. 15 min.

Editions Carus Verlag (Site web)


Regina Caeli

Two equal voices and organ

First published by WLSM in 1961, this piece for 2 equal voices and organ has been republished later in 1992 by Pro Organ in Germany.

The PDF of the first WLSM publication is available for free on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Sacerdos et Pontifex - Tu es Petrus

for Unison, organ, and 2 trumpets ad libitum

Score published in 1961 by World Library of Sacred Music, out of print.

PSF available for free own demand to

Duration: circa 3 minutes

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Noëls populaires anciens for SATB with organ or piano

in French

1- Nous étions trois bergerettes

2- A la venue de Noël (Gascogne, XVe siècle)

3- Entre le boeuf et l'âne gris (XIIIe siècle)

4- Allons bergers, allons tous

5- Joseph est bien marié (Champagne, XVIe siècle)

6- C'était à l"heure de minuit (Provençal)

7- Boutons noute habit le pus biau (Sologne)

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Neuf Chansons Folkloriques for unisson choir, contralto and baryton ad lib. and piano

1- J'ai pris la cled de mon jardin (Vivarais)

2- La nuit passée (Vivarais)

3- Où allez-vous la belle? (Champagne)

4- Rossignol du bois sauvage (Franche-Comté)

5- Là-haut dessus ces côtes (Berry)

6- Si tu parl'encore (Bas-Quercy)

7- C'était p'tit Jean r'venant du bois (Bas Berry)

8- Quand le marin revient de guerre

9- Tout auprès de Pont-Scorff (Basse-Bretagne)

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Motet pour un temps de pénitence, for 6 mixed voices a capella

Propre de la Messe du Mercredi des Cendres (Ash Wednesday Mass)

This Motet in Latin, composed by Jean Langlais in 1960 for the Ash Wednesday, has been transcribed in a PDF and is available for free on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Deux Chansons populaires de Haute-Bretagne, for 6 mixed voices a capella

1. La fille entêtée (Rennes) - 2. L'amoureux de Thomine (Saint-Briac)

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


"A la claire fontaine", for 6 mixed voices a capella, in French, 4 pages.

To order it (by 10) click on Editions Henry-Lemoine website :

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Psaume Solennel n°1 (" Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus")

for SATB, unisson choir, organ, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tympanies ad libitum

32 pages, in latin, dedicated to Roger Wagner.

Duration : 15:30 mn

Premiere : Boystown, Nebraska (USA), for the XIth Annual Workshop (Pontifical mass). Boystown choir, dir. Roger Wagner, Claude Langlais, organ, August 30th, 1963.

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


Offertoire pour l'Office de Sainte-Claire, for 3 equal voices a capella

Editions Delatour (Site web)


Psaume Solennel n°2 " Miserere Mei Deus " (n°50)

for SATB, unisson choir, organ, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tympanies ad libitum

36 pages, in latin, dedicated "to C. Alexander Peloquin".

Duration : about 23 mn

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


Missa "Dona nobis pacem"

For voices in Unison (Women or Men alone), in English

This Mass in English has been published by Gray (N.York) in the "Church Music Review", in 1963. It was intended to fit the recommendations of Vatican II for a Mass in vernacular language, simple to sing during the Mass.

Out of print in English, the PDF of this mass can be sent for free on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Missa "Dona Nobis Pacem"

for unison Chorus and Organ, in Latin.

New edition in Latin, in 2014, of the "Missa Dona Nobis Pacem" published in 1963 by Gray, out of print now. This new edition is edited by Rev. Scott A. Haynes with Marie-Louise Langlais.

Rev. Haynes is publishing first (Biretta Books, Chicago) with words in Latin he translated from English. Later he will edited this Mass with English words according to the New Liturgy.

Editions Biretta Books (Site web)


Psaume Solennel n°3, "Laudate Dominum de caelis" (n°148)

for 4 mixed voices, unison choir, 2 trumpets, 2 trb, tympani ad libitum

23 pages, in latin

Duration : about 9 mn

Solemn Psalms 2 and 3 commissioned by the Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Hartford, Connecticut (USA), for its 100th anniversary. Psalm n°3 is dedicated to "Canon Revert, choirmaster at Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris".

Premiere for both : Asylum Hill Oratorio Choir, St Joseph Cathedral Choir, Hartford, Connecticut, Ed. Diemente, direction, Albert Russel, organ, March 7th, 1965

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


Solemn Mass " Orbis factor " (in english) for SATB, unisson choir, organ , brass ad libitum (2 trumpets, 2 trombones)

Lord, have mercy - Glory to God - Holy - Lamb of God

Editions Anglo-American Music Publishers (Site web)


Festival-Alleluiaf for SATB and organ

Published in "Elkan-Vogel Choral Music"

Duration : 8:40

Out of print

PDF available for free on demand to

Editions Epuisé


Te Deum (in latin and german)

for SATB and organ, trumpet in Bflat and tympanies ad libitum

Editions stretta books (Site web)


Trois Oraisons for 1 voice or unisson choir, organ and flute (or violin)

1. Salve Regina - 2. Jam sol recedit ignaeus - . Jesu dulcis memoria

Playing time : ca. 9'40

in Latin.

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


Vocalise, for one voice and piano

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


"Gloire à toi Marie" (in French) for 3 women voices or SATB and organ

Editions SECLI (Site web)


Hommage à Louis Braille, for one voice and piano on a French text by Jean Langlais.

Pdf reproduced by Richard Powell from the manuscript, 2020. First publication.

Work composed by Jean Langlais in 1975, to honor the 150th anniversary of the invention of the Braille system. Premiered on May 22, 1975 by Jeannine Collard, mezzo soprano, and Jean Langlais, piano.

Duration: circa 4'.

Pdf sent for free on demand to

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Psaume 111 (" Beatus vir qui timet Dominum")

for SATB and organ

Editions Schola Cantorum (Site web)


Corpus Christi, 6 Pieces for 4 equal voices (SSAA) and organ

I. Introït "Cibavit" - 2.Graduel "Oculi" - 3. Alleluia "Caro mea" - 4. Offertoire "Sacerdotes" - 5. Communion "Quotiescumque" - 6. Panis angelicus

Editions Henry Lemoine (Site web)


"A la Vierge Marie"

Sacred song for one voice and organ or piano, in French, first publication

This unpublished song (pdf 3 pages, reproduction Richard Powell, 2014) can be obtained for free, on demand to

Approximative duration: 3mn

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Editions Europart (Site web)



sacred song for one voice or unisson choir and organ, first publication

This unpublished sacred song (4 pages, reproduction Richard Powell, 2017) can be sent for free on demand to

Approximative duration: 3 mn

Editions marie-louise langlais (Site web)


Ubi Caritas, for SATB and organ

Aeolian Choral Series - publ. Fred Bock Music Company - HL 08738839

12 pages. Duration : about 10 mn.

Editions Hal Leonard (Site web)


3 Marianische Antiphon (Trois Antiennes à la Sainte Vierge) for one voice or unisson choir and organ

in Latin and in German

Playing time : ca. 5 min.

Editions stretta books (Site web)
