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2013/07/14 - 15:00

Summer organ concerts, "A Bastille day Fête", Edward Tipton, organ

Westwood United Methodist Church, Los Angeles, California

Edward Tipton pays homage to the French "Bastille day" while playing organ works by Tournemire, Vierne, Dupré, Stanford, Duruflé, and, by Jean LANGLAIS, "Chant héroïque" (Neuf Pièces).

2013/07/16 - 20:30

2013/07/26 - 19:30

"The Cathedral of Christ the King Concert Series", 14th year, organ recital Rob Vanover

The Cathedral of Christ the King, Lexington, KY (USA)

In his recital celebrating the installation of the Randall & Associates, opus 95 organ, Rob Vanover plays works by Lübeck, Bach, Rheinberger, Vanover and 4 "American Folk Hymn Tunes" by Jean LANGLAIS : "Amazing grace", "There is a fountain filled with blood","On Jordan's stormy banks, I stand" and "How firm a foundation".

2013/07/28 - 11:15

Choral Eucharist, The Anglican chorale of Souteast Florida and St Pilip's Episcopal Choir, Coral Gable (USA), dir. Matthew Sanyor, Christopher Harrell, organ

St Albans Cathedral (GB)

The 2 choirs sing the Eucharist at Sty Albans Cathedral during the 11.15 Mass with works by Fauré and Jean LANGLAIS "Messe d'Escalquens" under direction of Matthew Sanyor. Christopher Harrell plays Langlais "Kyrie orbis factor" (Livre Oecuménique" for the postlude.
